A ceremony for The Liyu Edel (ልዩ ዕድል) Lottery which carries a prize money of 20,000,000 (20 million) birr for the 1st prize, 10 million for second, 5 million for third and more was held December 09, 2020 (Hidar 30, 2013). Here are the winning numbers
1. 20,000,000 birr winning number ——-1705090
2. 10,000,000 birr winning number ———0729356
3. 5,000,000 birr winning number ———1206064
4. 3,000,000 birr winning number ———0923071
5. 1,500,000 birr winning number ———1877734
6. 750,000 birr winning number ———–0340162
7. 300,000 birr winning number ———–1510522
8. 20 lottery tickets each worth 20,000 birr ——– 31075
9. 20 lottery tickets each worth 10,000 birr ——–34772
10. 20 lottery tickets each worth 5,000 birr——-5632
11. 200 lottery tickets each worth 2,000 birr——-1071
12. 200 lottery tickets each worth 1,000 birr ——–345
13. 2,000 lottery tickets each worth 500 birr ——-065
14. 20,000 lottery tickets each worth 300 birr——-87
15. 200,000 lottery tickets each worth 100 birr ——- 5
Gena Sitota Lottery which a maximum of 5,000,000 (Five million birr) has now started selling and the winning numbers ceremony will be held on January 05, 2020 (Tahisas 27, 2013)