Categories: Doing Business

Average Daily Income and Annual Tax Calculation in Ethiopia with Examples (አማካይ የቀን ገቢ ግምት እና አመታዊ ግብር መጠን በምሳሌ)

Here are some examples of the average daily income estimation with annual tax calculation. (አማካይ የቀን ገቢ ግምት እና አመታዊ ግብር በምሳሌ)

Example 1 – Business Type : Tailor (ልብስ ስፌት)

Daily income estimate :  1,200 birr

Annual Income = 1,200 birr x 300 days

Annual Income = 360,000 birr

Estimated Profit for this business sector = 10% (For 350,000 birr – 375,000 birr)

Annual Profit = 375,000 birr x 10%

Annual Profit = 37,500 birr

The above annual profit will be the taxable income. According to ethiopian business income tax rates, 37,500 birr will have a 15% tax rate and 1,710 birr deduction.

So, the total tax to be paid will be (37,500 birr x 15%) – 1,710 birr)

Total Payable Tax = (5,625 birr) – 1,710 birr

Total Payable Tax = 3,915 birr

