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Most Profitable, Best Banks in Ethiopia for 2023/2022 Budget Year, Capital, Assets, Loans, Income and other Financial Indicators

Top Banks in Ethiopia Ranking for 2023/2022 G.C (2015 E.C) Budget Year in terms of Profit, Assets, Paid-up and Total Capital, Total Income and Expense, Profit before and after tax and Earning per share (EPS) which determines Dividend or Return on Equity (ROE). Compare Ethiopian Banks Financial Performance by analyzing their annual report for key indicators such as Total Loans & Advances, Total Deposit, Number of branches, Employees and Number of account holders for 2023/2022 G.C (2015 E.C) fiscal year.

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Best Banks in Ethiopia for 2022/2021 Budget Year

Top Banks in Ethiopia Ranking for 2022/2021 G.C (2014 E.C) Budget Year in terms of Profit, Assets, Paid-up and Total Capital, Total Income and Expense, Profit before and after tax and Earning per share (EPS) which determines Dividend or Return on Equity (ROE). Compare Ethiopian Banks Financial Performance by analyzing their annual report for key indicators such as Total Loans & Advances, Total Deposit, Number of branches, Employees and Number of account holders for 2022/2021 G.C (2014 E.C) fiscal year.

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Private Banks Continue their profitability for Half of 2022/2021 fiscal year

Private banks in Ethiopia are continuing their profitable trend into the 2022/2021 financial year. According to their half year financial report, most banks were able to double their profitability compared to the 6 months in 2021/2020 financial year.

Awash Bank has managed to earn a gross profit of 4.6 billion birr while Abyssinia Bank grossed 3.3 billion birr for the first 6 months of 2022/2021 half year.

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Ethiopian Banks Half Year Performance Report

Some private banks have stated out that their half year performance has improved compared to last year’s half year performance. Out of the 16 private banks, Awash Bank leads the pack with 2 billion birr gross profit for the 2020 / 2019 half year. Dashen Banks follows with 1.16 billion birr. Other banks have had an improved gross profit compared to last year’s performance.

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