Mobile: | +251911202985 |
Telephone 1: | +251115533684 |
Telephone 2: | +251115511835 |
Fax 1: | +251115533684 |
Fax 2: | +251115533685 |
Location: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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TRANS WORLD PVT.LTD.CO is listed in the following categories
- Automotive Tyre
- Importers Tyre
- Business & Professional Services General Business
- Food & Beverages Edible Oil
- Manufacturing & Industry Food stuff
- Importers Machinery Spare Parts
- Importers Food Related Stuff
- Automotive Car Batteries
- Information Technology Telecommunication Service and Equipment
- Importers Industry Machinery and Raw Material
- Importers Motor and Compressors
- Importers Generators / Pumps
- Importers General Items
- Importers Furniture
- Importers Edible Oil
- Importers Used Cars
- Importers Shoe Polish
- Importers PVC and Related Products
- Importers Plastic Raw Material
- Importers Matches
- Construction, Engineering & Real Estate Architects, Consultants & Engineering
- Exporters Edible Oil
- Exporters Spices
- Exporters Oil Seeds
- Exporters Live Animals
- Exporters Leather and Leather Products
- Exporters Honey
- Exporters Flower
- Importers Batteries / Dry Cell