Business Type | Share Company |
Mobile 1: | +251930000120 |
Mobile 2: | +251911215167 |
Telephone 1: | +251115540006 |
Telephone 2: | +251118275886 |
Location: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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DOQA TRADING PLC is listed in the following categories
- Shopping Traditional Dress / Souvenirs
- Importers Motorcycles and Spare Parts
- Importers Apparel / Clothing
- Business & Professional Services General Business
- Importers Yarns and Threads
- Manufacturing & Industry Furniture (Household, Kitchen and Office)
- Importers Tissue / Toilet Paper / Napkins
- Importers Stationery Materials and Paper
- Importers Pluming / Lighting Equipment
- Importers Sanitary Fixtures
- Importers Printing Paper / Ink and Other Printing Materials
- Importers Packing Materials
- Importers Leather Products
- Importers Kitchen Items
- Importers House-hold Items
- Importers Generators / Pumps
- Importers Electrical Material
- Importers Construction Machinery & Equipment
- Importers Books / Magazine & Printed Items
- Importers Bags / Apparel
- Business & Professional Services Wholesale / Distributor