Mobile 1: | +251913112618 |
Mobile 2: | +251913109775 |
Mobile 3: | +251920803087 |
Telephone 1: | +251116612191 |
Telephone 2: | +251468813811 |
Fax: | +251116612204 |
Location: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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PARADISE LODGE ARBAMINCH is listed in the following categories
- Tour / Travel / Car Rental Car Rental
- Hospitality Resorts / Lodges
- Business & Professional Services Beauty Salon, Skin and Nail Care
- Business & Professional Services Laundry
- Business & Professional Services Massage Centers
- Transport Car Rental
- Family, Recreation & Community Gym / Fitness Centers
- Automotive Car Rental
- Hospitality Restaurants
- Hospitality Hotels
- Business & Professional Services General Business
- Health Medical & Laboratory Equipment Maintenance