Mobile: | +251929247528 |
Telephone: | +251118229191 |
Fax: | +251116166969 |
Location: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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AMHA WEHIBE GEBEREKIDAN is listed in the following categories
- Importers Books / Magazine & Printed Items
- Importers Computer and Accessories
- Importers Electrical Material
- Importers Electronics & Parts
- Importers Packing Materials
- Importers Photograph Equipment
- Importers Printing Paper / Ink and Other Printing Materials
- Importers Safety and Security Equipment
- Importers Software and ICT Products
- Importers Stationery Materials and Paper
- Importers Telecommunication Equipment
- Importers Precious Stones and Ornaments
Selected Items from Engocha Marketplace
New Arrival Brand HP Omen16 RTX 3050 Ti GAMING LAPTOP Core i5 11th generation 16.1inch105,000 ETBAddis Ababa