
Marda Paint and Marble Factory

Business TypePrivate Limited Company (PLC)
Mobile: +251932468077
Address: Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Number of Employees: 100-250
Establishment Year: 2012
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Marda Paint and Marble Factory is listed in the following category
  1. Construction, Engineering & Real Estate Paint
Our paint factory manufactures different types of decorative and protective paints for construction, and industrial applications. The factory uses mostly imported raw materials for its paint products. Major paint products • Wall paints: Marda-mica, Marda-super and Marda-Wubet. • Synthetic paints: Marda-Enamel, Marda and others • Primers: Marda-Metal-Primer • Wood Paints: Marda-Alkyd Varnish, Marda-Polyurethane varnish and Marda-Furniture Lacquer. • Textured paints: Marda-QUARTZ Graffiti, Marda-MINERAL Paints. • Other paints: Marda-Glue and related Adhesives Having qualified and experienced experts in paints technology, the factory’s performance has been superb Always working on quality based products."

Company Description

Our paint factory manufactures different types of decorative and protective paints for construction, and industrial applications. 
The factory uses mostly imported raw materials for its paint products.

Major paint products

  • Wall paints: Marda-mica, Marda-super and Marda-Wubet.
  • Synthetic paints: Marda-Enamel, Marda and others
  • Primers: Marda-Metal-Primer
  • Wood Paints: Marda-Alkyd Varnish, Marda-Polyurethane varnish and Marda-Furniture Lacquer.
  • Textured paints: Marda-QUARTZ Graffiti, Marda-MINERAL Paints.
  • Other paints: Marda-Glue and related Adhesives Having qualified and experienced experts in paints technology, the factory’s performance has been superb Always working on quality based products."

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