Fewus Polyclinic


Business TypePrivate Limited Company (PLC)
Mobile: +251924230046
Telephone: +251116688467
Website: https://
Address: Gedera. on a highway to Abado Condo
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Number of Employees: 5-10
General Manager: Adane Bekele
Establishment Year: 2022
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Fewus Polyclinic is listed in the following category
  1. Health / Clinics

Fewus Polyclinic is a clinic run by experienced Emergency Obstetric Gynecology and General Surgery Professional Specialists located at a convenient place to serve the people around Gedera, Abado, Tafo, and part of Kara and Hayat. It provides a wide range of services including adult and Pediatric medical condition evaluation and management, emergency management with full laboratory investigation. Minor surgical conditions like cysts, lipomas, hydrocele, hernias, and male circumcision with and without a ring. Antenatal care follow-up with Obstetric Ultrasound. State of art medical devices like CBC, Chemistry, Hormone analyzer,s and Ultrasound machines are utilized in diagnosing and identifying the conditions of our clients.


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