
FAYASERA Coffee Exporter

Business TypeSole Properietor
Mobile 1: +251916869628
Mobile 2: +251911811072
Address: Addis Ababa, NIFAS SILK W01
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Number of Employees: 50-100
General Manager: Astatke Abebe
Establishment Year: 2020
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FAYASERA Coffee Exporter is listed in the following category
  1. Agriculture Coffee Producers
FAYA SERA Coffee Exporter is considered as one of the largest exporters of green coffee beans from sidama,Ethiopia. It is a company from the Addis Ababa, and thus relies on one of the largest infrastructure of the country, in storage, processing and transport of coffee. The company buys natural coffee produced in certified farms, whether they are washed or natural and of high quality.

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