Mobile 1: | +251911490809 |
Mobile 2: | +251911490814 |
Telephone 1: | +251114334769 |
Telephone 2: | +251114334771 |
Fax: | +251114334770 |
Website 1: | |
Website 2: | https:// |
Location: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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ETHIOPIAN STEEL PROFILING AND BUILDING P.L.C is listed in the following categories
- Construction, Engineering & Real Estate Metal Work / Pre-Engineered Steel Structure
- Construction, Engineering & Real Estate Prefabricated Buildings
- Construction, Engineering & Real Estate Roof Tiles
- Manufacturing & Industry Construction Material
- Manufacturing & Industry Furniture (Household, Kitchen and Office)
- Manufacturing & Industry Iron, Steel and Reinforcement Bar (Re-bar)
- Manufacturing & Industry Metal Work / Pre-Engineering Steel / Building
- Manufacturing & Industry Roof Tiles
- Construction, Engineering & Real Estate Contractors (General)
- Importers Iron, Steel & Reinforcement Bar (Re-bar)
- Manufacturing & Industry Wire / Wire Products
- Education / University, School & Training Universities / Colleges / Institutes
- Importers Construction Building Materials
- Manufacturing & Industry Other Factories
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