Mobile 1: | +251911571741 |
Mobile 2: | +251911511741 |
Mobile 3: | +251911047006 |
Telephone: | +251118614631 |
Location: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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HABESHA WEEKLY PROMOTION PLC is listed in the following categories
- Advertising, Promotion, Media & Entertainment Advertising / Promotion
- Business & Professional Services Camera / Production Material Rental
- Business & Professional Services Expo, Seminar, Conference & Trade Fair
- Advertising, Promotion, Media & Entertainment Film, Music & Documentary Production
- Information Technology Software Development
- Information Technology Website Design and Development
- Importers House-hold Items
- Importers Kitchen Items
- Importers Plastic / Foam Products
- Importers Sanitary Fixtures
- Importers Tissue / Toilet Paper / Napkins