Mobile: | +251911207467 |
Telephone 1: | +251114665452 |
Telephone 2: | +251114663505 |
Telephone 3: | +251114611444 |
Fax 1: | +251114661444 |
Fax 2: | +251114663505 |
Location: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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NILE INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL P.L.C is listed in the following categories
- Shopping Furniture (House & Office)
- Exporters General Export
- Importers Office Machines
- Importers Furniture
- Manufacturing & Industry Furniture (Household, Kitchen and Office)
- Manufacturing & Industry Kitchen Equipment
- Manufacturing & Industry Wood and Metal Work
- Importers Construction Machinery & Equipment
- Exporters Furniture
- Importers Machinery
- Business & Professional Services General Business