

Business TypePrivate Limited Company (PLC)
Mobile 1: +251901993399
Mobile 2: +251911200144
Telephone: +251113720172
Other Links: Shortcode: 9451
Address: Addis Ababa, Akaki kality
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Number of Employees: 100-250
General Manager: SEVERINA SETTI
Establishment Year: 1977
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Main supplier and after sales provider of Elevators and Escalators in Ethiopia. Automotive commercial vehicles - TANA ENGINEERING is delivering professional maintenance to heavy, medium and light duty trucks of any brand in Ethiopia. Training - Always beside our customers to empower employees through Operation and Maintenance training. Injection pump - we do fuel injectors and nozzles inspections and repairs. Generator - We install and maintain any type of generator. Spare part - spare parts for Elevators &Escalators, heavy, medium and light duty trucks of any brand.

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