Here is the latest information about 40/60 condominium houses in Addis Ababa.
According to the Addis Ababa Saving Houses Development Enterprise
- More than 1,200 condominium houses being built under the 40/60 housing scheme will be fully finalized by the end of next month.
- Senga tera and crown hotel sites have been finished.
- The asphalt road inside the kality crown condominium site has been completed.
- Construction of the asphalt road that links the Senga tera site with the main road will be started soon.
- Installation of power capable and water pipeline has been commenced in both Senga tera and kality crown hotel sites.
- 154,000 of the 160,000 people registered under the scheme are saving money each month.
- Out of these people, 11,800 people have paid the full amount (100%)
- Around 29,000 people have paid (40%) of the total cost.
- The ones who paid 100% will have priority when the condominium units are handed over to the home owners.
- Preparations have been finalized to begin the construction of 20,000 condominium units in addition to the 39,000 units being built in various sites.
- The new condominium buildings being built will be 18 storey buildings such as the ones found in Megenagna site.