[March 30, 2021 UPDATE] – 12th Grade Ethiopian University Entrance National Exam Results for 2021 G.C / 2013 E.C to be available starting from March 30, 2021

National Education assessment and Examination Agency has announced that the result for results for 12th grade and 10th grade national exam has been released. Students can view their results by visiting the agency’s website and submitting their registration / admission number. Students can check their results in two ways. One is checking online, the other is via SMS

Steps to check results online
1. Visit the Agency’s website using the following links.
**Due high amount of visitors, the website might not be easily accessible. So we suggest you try the provided links as an alternative**

www.app.neaea.gov.et or

2. Select your grade

3. Add your Registration number and click Enter or the search icon

If the registration number you submitted is correct, you should see your name (partially) and your results.

Steps to check results via SMS

  1. Send you admission / registration number following the word ID- to 8181.
    example. If you admission / registration number is 123456, you should send ID-123456 to 8181.