Hibret Bank has reported that it has earned a gross profit 1.44 billion birr before tax and after reserves. This profit amount is 27.45% higher compared to the previous year’s amount.

In it’s 24th annual shareholder meeting in conducted in Inter Luxury hotel (formerly known as Intercontinental Hotel), the company reported that it’s total deposit reached 43.83 billion birr which showed an increase 30.6% compared to the previous year’s amount of 35.88 billion birr.

The bank’s capital has increased from 3.18 billion birr to 3.87 billion birr showing an increase of 21.5%. The bank managed to increase it’s number of customers from 1.42 million showing an increase of 35%. The number of customers who own the bank’s flagship Hiber Card has increased by 30% reaching 381,961 while number of customers using Hiber mobile app has reached 419,917.

The bank recently inaugurated it’s 37 floor headquarter called Hiber Tower, which boosts state of the art technologies adding to the ever grown list of sky scrapers in Addis Ababa.

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